Saturday, May 28, 2011

Is it better to have loved and lost..

So I am still working on the tattoo and besides the scorpion, I want it to say something. Honestly, I wish I could call you to ask. Should I get  it to say "'Tis bettter to have loved and lost, then never to have loved at all?"  Or how about "For men may come and men may go, but we go on forever?"

 Lisa wants it to say nothing at all. Ugh. I think you could have settled this debate for me.

I saw a dress a few days ago. It was perfect for you. I clicked the button on it, to buy it for you. Then I remembered. It was a tie-dye black and gold dress and I am going to India in July. It's the dress that would have been yours, had you been here. As Debolinadi says, its hard to wrap your head around the permanency of this loss, for some reason you think its a one time event, but it's not.

Rakesh is landing here today. I am looking forward to seeing him.  Did you ever think Rakesh and I would meet up in NYC without you? I certainly didn't.

I sometimes read the text message from you, where you told me that when you were delirious, you said my name a lot and cried. I like to think of us as the type of friends who would remember each other, even in states of delirium.

It is better to have loved and lost such a friendship, then never to have had it all.

I love you and I miss you. Every single day.

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