Friday, February 18, 2011

Hi Mashi

I was thinking of Mashi today, and how scared we were of her when we were younger and how irritated she would get with us.

I remember when Debolinadi gave you those jeans with a 23 inch waistline, how you wore them for a month without washing it. And every time I came over, Mashi would give ask me to tell you to take them off and wash them. She would keep saying, "I cannot believe how you can possibly wear such a dirty pair of jeans".  Anyway, once it was washed you couldn't fit in it. So really, you had a good point about not washing them.

I was so shocked when I saw her in October;  this fierce, scary woman now looked so fragile  with her white hair. I hugged her and we cried. I wish I could go back to the days, when we were scared of her. How we would hide a smoke from her or anything at all to do with boys. I remembered the first time I met her, she told me it was inappropriate for girls under 18 to wear lipstick. I wanted that scary woman back. You commented about this, "look what i have reduced ma to". It was heartbreaking.

Not that all my memories of your mother are scary. Some are very tender. She would make those macher chops for me, which we would eat before going clubbing. During your wedding, I was getting my henna done and mashi came by to feed me. It was so sweet and touching. I really am glad I could make it to your wedding. 

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